Crate raphtory

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raphtory is a Rust library for analysing time-based graph data. It is designed to be horizontally scalable,and can be used for a variety of applications such as social network, cyber security, fraud analysis and more.

The core feature of raphtory is the ability to analyse time-based graph data.

You can run periodic graph analytics on your graph, and see how the graph changes over time.

For example:

  • Run a PageRank algorithm on your graph every 5 minutes, and see how the PageRank scores change.
  • View the graph a previous point in time, to see how the graph looked.


  • Time-based Graphs - raphtory allows you to create and analyse time-based graphs.
  • Graph Analytics - raphtory provides a variety of graph analytics algorithms.
  • Horizontal Scalability - raphtory is designed to be horizontally scalable.
  • Distributed - raphtory can be distributed across multiple machines.
  • Fast - raphtory is fast, and can process large amounts of data in a short amount of time.
  • Open Source - raphtory is open source, and is available on Github under a AGPL-3.0 license.


The sub module Core contains the underlying implementation of the graph. Users interact with the graph via the DB submodule.

The sub module DB is the overarching manager for the graph. A GraphDB instance can have N number of shards. These shards (also called TemporalGraphParts) store fragments of a graph. Each shard contains a part of a graph, similar to how data is partitioned.

When an edge or node is added to the graph, GraphDB will search for an appropriate place inside a shard to place these.

For example, if your graph has 4 shards, altogether they make up the entire temporal graph. Vertices and Edges will be spread across the varying shards.

Shards are used for performance and distribution reasons. Having multiple shards running in parallel increases the overall speed. In a matter of seconds, you are able to see your results from your temporal graph analysis. Furthermore, you can run your analysis across multiple machines (e.g. one shard per machine).


Create your own graph below

use raphtory::db::graph::Graph;
use raphtory::core::Direction;
use raphtory::core::Prop;
use raphtory::db::view_api::*;

// Create your GraphDB object and state the number of shards you would like, here we have 2
let graph = Graph::new(2);

// Add vertex and edges to your graph with the respective properties
  &vec![("type".to_string(), Prop::Str("Character".to_string()))],

  &vec![("type".to_string(), Prop::Str("Character".to_string()))],

      Prop::Str("Character Co-occurrence".to_string()),

// Get the in-degree, out-degree and degree of Gandalf
println!("Number of vertices {:?}", graph.num_vertices());
println!("Number of Edges {:?}", graph.num_edges());

Load a pre-built graph

use raphtory::algorithms::degree::average_degree;
use raphtory::db::graph::Graph;
use raphtory::db::view_api::*;
use raphtory::graph_loader::example::lotr_graph::lotr_graph;

let graph = lotr_graph(3);

// Get the in-degree, out-degree of Gandalf
// The graph.vertex option returns a result of an option,
// so we need to unwrap the result and the option or
// we can use this if let instead
if let Some(gandalf) = graph.vertex("Gandalf") {
   println!("Gandalf in degree: {:?}", gandalf.in_degree());
  println!("Gandalf out degree: {:?}", gandalf.out_degree());

// Run an average degree algorithm on the graph
println!("Average degree: {:?}", average_degree(&graph));

Supported Operating Systems

This library requires Rust 1.54 or later.

The following operating systems are supported:

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows


This project is licensed under the terms of the AGPL-3.0 license. Please see the Github repository for more information.


raphtory is created by Pometry. We are always looking for contributors to help us improve the library. If you are interested in contributing, please see our Github repository


Implementations of various graph algorithms that can be run on the graph.
GraphLoader trait and provides some default implementations for loading a graph. This base class is used to load in-built graphs such as the LOTR, reddit and StackOverflow. It also provides a method to download a CSV file.
Provides functionality for generating graphs for testing and benchmarking.
