Quickstart Example


Please ensure you have installed and set-up raphtory.

1. Download the data

Create a folder named “Data” under examples/lotr and download the LOTR CSV data into this folder. You can download the raw csv here.

2. Run the LOTR Example

Next run the main function in main.rs which creates a graph from the LOTR csv file, showing the different character interactions throughout the book. To do this, you will need to be in the lotr folder, the file path to this from root is ./examples/src/bin/lotr. Once you are here run this command to run the LOTR example:

cargo run --bin lotr

You should see output that looks something like this with information about the edges and vertices below:

Loaded graph from encoded data files ./examples/src/bin/lotr/data/graphdb.bincode with 139 vertices, 701 edges which took 0 seconds

Gandalf exists = true

Congratulations, you have run your first Raphtory graph in Rust!

Code Example

How to create a graph

1. Create your GraphDB object and state the number of shards you would like, here we have 2

let graph = GraphDB::new(2);

2. Add edges and vertices with their properties

  &vec![("name".to_string(), Prop::Str("Character".to_string()))],

  &vec![("name".to_string(), Prop::Str("Character".to_string()))],

      Prop::Str("Character Co-occurrence".to_string()),

3. Run a few algorithms

Get the in-degree, out-degree and degree of a particular vertex.

We calculate a hash for the string “Gandalf” to be used as a unique identifier for Gandalf.

let gandalf = utils::calculate_hash(&"Gandalf");

let in_degree = graph.degree_window(gandalf, 0, i64::MAX, Direction::IN);
let out_degree = graph.degree_window(gandalf, 0, i64::MAX, Direction::OUT);
let degree = graph.degree_window(gandalf, 0, i64::MAX, Direction::BOTH);