Remote Graph#

class raphtory.graphql.RemoteGraph#

Bases: object



Adds constant properties to the remote graph.

add_edge(timestamp, src, dst[, properties, ...])

Adds a new edge with the given source and destination nodes and properties to the remote graph.


Batch add edge updates to the remote graph

add_node(timestamp, id[, properties, node_type])

Adds a new node with the given id and properties to the remote graph.


Batch add node updates to the remote graph

add_property(timestamp, properties)

Adds properties to the remote graph.

create_node(timestamp, id[, properties, ...])

Create a new node with the given id and properties to the remote graph and fail if the node already exists.

delete_edge(timestamp, src, dst[, layer])

Deletes an edge in the remote graph, given the timestamp, src and dst nodes and layer (optional)

edge(src, dst)

Gets a remote edge with the specified source and destination nodes


Gets a remote node with the specified id


Updates constant properties on the remote graph.


Adds constant properties to the remote graph.


properties (dict) – The constant properties of the graph.

add_edge(timestamp, src, dst, properties=None, layer=None)#

Adds a new edge with the given source and destination nodes and properties to the remote graph.

  • timestamp (int |str | datetime) – The timestamp of the edge.

  • src (str | int) – The id of the source node.

  • dst (str | int) – The id of the destination node.

  • properties (dict, optional) – The properties of the edge, as a dict of string and properties.

  • layer (str, optional) – The layer of the edge.




Batch add edge updates to the remote graph


updates (List[RemoteEdgeAddition]) – The list of updates you want to apply to the remote graph

add_node(timestamp, id, properties=None, node_type=None)#

Adds a new node with the given id and properties to the remote graph.

  • timestamp (int|str|datetime) – The timestamp of the node.

  • id (str|int) – The id of the node.

  • properties (dict, optional) – The properties of the node.

  • node_type (str, optional) – The optional string which will be used as a node type




Batch add node updates to the remote graph


updates (List[RemoteNodeAddition]) – The list of updates you want to apply to the remote graph

add_property(timestamp, properties)#

Adds properties to the remote graph.

  • timestamp (int|str|datetime) – The timestamp of the temporal property.

  • properties (dict) – The temporal properties of the graph.

create_node(timestamp, id, properties=None, node_type=None)#

Create a new node with the given id and properties to the remote graph and fail if the node already exists.

  • timestamp (int|str|datetime) – The timestamp of the node.

  • id (str|int) – The id of the node.

  • properties (dict, optional) – The properties of the node.

  • node_type (str, optional) – The optional string which will be used as a node type



delete_edge(timestamp, src, dst, layer=None)#

Deletes an edge in the remote graph, given the timestamp, src and dst nodes and layer (optional)

  • timestamp (int) – The timestamp of the edge.

  • src (str|int) – The id of the source node.

  • dst (str|int) – The id of the destination node.

  • layer (str, optional) – The layer of the edge.



edge(src, dst)#

Gets a remote edge with the specified source and destination nodes

  • src (str|int) – the source node id

  • dst (str|int) – the destination node id




Gets a remote node with the specified id


id (str|int) – the node id




Updates constant properties on the remote graph.


properties (dict) – The constant properties of the graph.

class raphtory.graphql.RemoteNode(path, client, id)#

Bases: object



Add constant properties to a node in the remote graph.

add_updates(t[, properties])

Add updates to a node in the remote graph at a specified time.


Set the type on the node.


Update constant properties of a node in the remote graph overwriting existing values.


Add constant properties to a node in the remote graph. This function is used to add properties to a node that remain constant and does not change over time. These properties are fundamental attributes of the node.


properties (Dict[str, Prop]) – A dictionary of properties to be added to the node.

add_updates(t, properties=None)#

Add updates to a node in the remote graph at a specified time. This function allows for the addition of property updates to a node within the graph. The updates are time-stamped, meaning they are applied at the specified time.

  • t (int | str | datetime) – The timestamp at which the updates should be applied.

  • properties (Dict[str, Prop], optional) – A dictionary of properties to update.


Set the type on the node. This only works if the type has not been previously set, otherwise will throw an error


new_type (str) – The new type to be set


Update constant properties of a node in the remote graph overwriting existing values. This function is used to add properties to a node that remain constant and do not change over time. These properties are fundamental attributes of the node.


properties (Dict[str, Prop]) – A dictionary of properties to be added to the node.

class raphtory.graphql.RemoteEdge(path, client, src, dst)#

Bases: object


add_constant_properties(properties[, layer])

Add constant properties to the edge within the remote graph.

add_updates(t[, properties, layer])

Add updates to an edge in the remote graph at a specified time.

delete(t[, layer])

Mark the edge as deleted at the specified time.

update_constant_properties(properties[, layer])

Update constant properties of an edge in the remote graph overwriting existing values.

add_constant_properties(properties, layer=None)#

Add constant properties to the edge within the remote graph. This function is used to add properties to an edge that remain constant and do not change over time. These properties are fundamental attributes of the edge.

  • properties (Dict[str, Prop]) – A dictionary of properties to be added to the edge.

  • layer (str, optional) – The layer you want these properties to be added on to.

add_updates(t, properties=None, layer=None)#

Add updates to an edge in the remote graph at a specified time. This function allows for the addition of property updates to an edge within the graph. The updates are time-stamped, meaning they are applied at the specified time.

  • t (int | str | datetime) – The timestamp at which the updates should be applied.

  • properties (Optional[Dict[str, Prop]]) – A dictionary of properties to update.

  • layer (str, optional) – The layer you want the updates to be applied.

delete(t, layer=None)#

Mark the edge as deleted at the specified time.

  • t (int | str | datetime) – The timestamp at which the deletion should be applied.

  • layer (str, optional) – The layer you want the deletion applied to.

update_constant_properties(properties, layer=None)#

Update constant properties of an edge in the remote graph overwriting existing values. This function is used to add properties to an edge that remains constant and does not change over time. These properties are fundamental attributes of the edge.

  • properties (Dict[str, Prop]) – A dictionary of properties to be added to the edge.

  • layer (str, optional) – The layer you want these properties to be added on to.

class raphtory.graphql.RemoteNodeAddition(name, node_type=None, constant_properties=None, updates=None)#

Bases: object

class raphtory.graphql.RemoteEdgeAddition(src, dst, layer=None, constant_properties=None, updates=None)#

Bases: object

class raphtory.graphql.RemoteUpdate(time, properties=None)#

Bases: object